Memory And Romantic Love In The Movie: Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind

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Oscar winner and critically acclaimed movie “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” is a romantic science-fiction comedy-drama film about a divided couple who have erased each other from their memories. However only when the protagonist Joel Barish realizes that he does not want to continue with the process, we embark on a spectacular journey that explores the nature of memory and romantic love. The protagonist of the movie, played by Jim Carrey, is the individual we will be assessing today. Joel Barish is a weak person. As described by himself, he doesn't lead a very interesting life. He goes to work, comes home, that's about it. He has a lot of emotions but doesn't unleash them onto the world, instead he puts his emotions in his hands and draws very strange yet wonderful pictures. He is the living representation of “NORMAL”. His life is developed through the story in the New York, USA of 2003. Although it is not very focused on, Joel Barish works at an ordinary job and has a very distinctive artistic skill, which he keeps to himself. He is neither rich nor poor, but simply …show more content…

He could be described as the saddest of sacks. Joel Barish lived a lonely and loveless life until he met Clementine. He is melancholic, reserved, and introverted. Joel always preferred to be a wallflower, mumbling the few words he’d occasionally speak. Clementine accepted and expanded him, giving him a brief respite from the anxiety that kept him from diving into life headfirst. In a nutshell, Joel is a boring imploding person, who has an exploding personality if you get to know him, which still manages to bore after a while. He's a very nervous individual who can barely speak to someone he doesn't know. He'll try and steer his way out of any situation, such as meeting someone new. Although most of the time he fails, he should be glad he

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