Megan Lipsky

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The first person who performed was a pianist, name Megan Lipsky. The first song she played was the same tempo throughout. It was a 1 2 1 2 beat, follow by a serious of notes, it was repetitive throughout just different tone. The second song she played was also repetitive. It started somewhat loud and decrescendo in between than back to crescendo. The third song she played started Soft piano, this piece was my favorite. It was quite beautiful, peaceful and somewhat sad. It wasn’t just a song it felt as though she was telling a story with every note. Each key change seemed to represent a different tone of voice. It got extremely loud in the middle, but she still manage to keep it elegant and beautiful. She did a wonderful job. Afterward there was duo, Megan Rebecca pianist and Tarra a classical guitar player. The …show more content…

Which I heard not many pianists can do. One thing I notice is they change the direction of the piano, so they can face each. They also close the soundboard to help contain the sound. The pianist did a great job playing without overwhelming the guitar. We could hear the pianist, as well as the guitar equally. Although they did a great job, but I did not find any of the songs that grab my attention. Well not enough for me to write about it in my report. My favorite performance of the night was the trio, which goes by the name of serenade. The trio included a piano, a violin, and a flute. The flute player was favorite. I’m not sure if I’m being bias, because the flute it’s my favorite instrument. It probably because the way she elaborates each note effortlessly. The third song they played was upbeat and fun. Something you would hear at a dance party back then. It started with a moderate loud than got soft as the violent had her solo, follow by the flute and the piano maintaining the same tone. Eventually crescendo when they started playing the hook. Overall the concert was great, it

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