Medical Examiner Research Paper

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Someone who can look at a dead body and determine how, when, and even where a person has died. Are they a magician? A wizard? Medical examiners are doctors that have an excellent salary and job outlook because of their important role in history and today in society, they have many responsibilities that require a certain amount of schooling and skills. A medical examiner, corner, or forensic pathologists are trained physicians who examine the bodies of people who have died, especially during extenuating circumstances. Medical examiners are important members of the law enforcement community due to their role in determining the cause of death which aids in homicide cases and sudden deaths. The goal of the position is that it offers an objective perspective to help and determine the time and cause of death that can be presented in front of a court of law. Medical examiners are one …show more content…

An official of this name dates back to Anglo-Saxon times, during 871-910 AD. However, the first official mention of a corner in the modern sense of what we know today, dates back to the 12th century. The return of this position was likely due to the financial crisis in the treasury. The crisis was due to the fact that King Richard was held hostage and the kingdom was forced to pay a large ransom. In addition to this England was forced to support King Richards’s crusade which created an even greater financial burden on England. This caused the chief minister, Hubert Walter, to issue an ‘Articles of Eyre’; which entailed for the return of the office of the corner. The duties of the corner at this time was to keep a check on corruption among sheriffs, who were typically the executive enforcers of the law. The corner was unpaid and lost his post if he was elected as a sheriff. The corner was a ‘keeper of the pleas’ which entailed him having a roll of incidents that had an advantage to the treasury, which acted as a

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