Media's Influence On Protests

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Why is it that protests are treated as breaking news? Why are protests followed so closely for new developments? After all protests are just a way for the public to express its concerns and advocate for change. Protests are so sensationalized because of they are portrayed in the media, which leads to poor public opinion. When the traditional news media covers protests, the main focus is shifted away from the message of the protest in favor of exaggerating the little violence that occurs. This form of bias in media coverage forces activist groups to use more extreme protest tactics to get any coverage. This paradigm leads to a negative impression of activism among the general public, which creates a public that is ill informed about the activism …show more content…

The media covers the violence that occurs rather than the actual message that the protesters want to express. This can clearly be seen the timing of the coverage. During the protests in Baltimore a correlation between cable news coverage and the start of the violent protests can clearly be seen. “Coverage on CNN, MSNBC and Fox News increased substantially on April 27, the night violence erupted in Baltimore. The following day, coverage on cable news peaked at 59 stories. During these two days of violent incidents, coverage increased by a substantial 162 percent, compared with the two days prior, April 25 and 26, when the protests were peaceful” (Williams). This shows that the media clearly prefers covering more violent and eye catching stories rather than the peaceful advocacy that expresses activists concerns. This leaves the public uninformed about the very real problems that people are advocating for. Many activists are dismayed at the media’s choice of coverage. “In a tweet that was retweeted over 10,000 times, the musician Propaganda observed that ‘Citizens of Baltimore been peacefully protesting for WEEKS. Not one news camera came till somethin was on fire. What u think that teaches?’”(Williams). These activists represent an important part of democracy, they are the voice of the people and the ones that can bring about social change. By effectively blocking the messages of activists from reaching the general public the media is inhibiting people's’ ability to participate in

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