Media In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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The Power of Media
In our society, there’s always been rises of controversy about the information in media are reliable and it surely inserted truth as well as validity of believing. In Huxley’s novel, Brave New World, the controller of the World State Society Mustapha Mond believes that “whenever the masses [seize] political power, then it [is] happiness rather than truth and beauty that matter[s]” (Huxley). Likewise, we sometimes believe the power of media brings consequences of doubt of validity, destabilization of society, and destroys the pursuit of happiness. Although Mond’s argument has some flaws and restriction of some of individual freedom, ultimately he is right in his assertion that it is worthwhile to give up individual freedom of access media information for societal stability, because sometimes access to media advance insecurity of people as well as lowers the …show more content…

While people watching feelies and listening to synthetic music throughout the movie they enjoy entertained pleasure. For example, Mustapha Mond claimed “[feelies and the scent organ] mean themselves; they mean a lot of agreeable sensation to the audience” (Huxley 221). It is clear that the people are encouraged to get distraction whenever they needed from pure sensation. Also, by using hypnopaedia everyone in World State controlled and constructed to behave the same. For example, by teaching message such as “ending is better than mending. The more stitches, the less riches; the more stitches…” people are being able to simply get rid of broken things rather than fix things (Huxley 49). From this statement, the society ensures that it has eliminated insecurity of society, because the society made them to control

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