Media Bias In Elections

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Media bias can affect people enough that it can steer elections in the news organizations favor. Media bias can do this because people rely on media for all their information, they can’t differentiate between real and fake news, and they limit themselves to only one source. The American population has started to see this bias in media as we saw in the 2016 election. For a year news stations such as CNN, MSNBC, and The Nightly News reported the presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, was beating candidate Donald Trump in the polls and that the vast majority of Americans would not support him as a president. Although this is not what we saw in the election results in November. The candidate that the majority of major news outlets reported the American people would not support somehow won the election and made themselves look stupid. The “facts” that they presented were suddenly proved wrong. However many other elections aside from the presidential race were steered in the media's direction. Media bias can influence elections.

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Pieces of writing such as “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine are examples of how writing inspired the colonies to rise up against their oppressors. However in this day and age it seems to being used as a way to drive forward liberal political agenda. Media recently has produced stories in a way that almost everything is biased and has some form of political message or agenda behind it that they portray in such a way that it makes the viewer or reader feel as if they are somehow a bad person if they do not agree with or feel a certain way about the article that does not coincide with how the media outlet wants you to feel or think. To clarify, the news media wants to change your feelings, not inform you. The media will illustrate their news stories in so much of a predictable way now that you can almost guess what the message will be by reading the

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