Media Bias Analysis

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Humans crave information, which is why the media is heavily relied upon. Without the media, news would travel at a much slower rate, leaving the population clueless as to what is going on in the world around them. The problem with media today is that it tends to be biased, meaning certain media networks have a particular tendency or inclination towards someone or something. Certain networks are considered more biased than others, leaving the population to decide what they would prefer to watch. Every media outlet whether it be print and broadcast, has some sort of bias to it. In addition, media at time misuses its powerful influence on society in an unfair manner. I believe that all media outlets, whether it be print or broadcast, have a bias in their reporting. The main cause of this is because everyone has an opinion and perspective that manipulates the facts, just by our mindset. We as individuals automatically gain judgement of something due to the facts given, but also our own morals and perspectives can skew the information given. So …show more content…

For example, FOX News is notorious for holding a mainly conservative, Republican outlook on events while stations such as MSNBC is the home for more Democratic views. Just by this one is able to tell that due to their difference of opinions, they are going to report the same stories differently. Each network has a targeted audience and will usually align with the side that line up with the views of their audience. To accommodate to certain demographics is a smart business plan but sets up the stories they present to be skewed. Nevertheless, while these networks are bias, I do believe that they are needed to have more than one conversation in the news. Diversity in opinions is important so networks can reach to all people, but if we are arguing whether those networks can report fairly, I’m afraid they

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