Media And Nereotyping And Stereotypes In The Media

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The media is a powerful and influential agent; it wields so much power and they are capable of meandering the thoughts and opinions of the public. The following paper discusses the media, which includes news coverage, movies, television, and commercials. The purpose of this paper is to discuss how the media adds to racism and stereotypes. The media has an impact on the public. Many stereotypes and negativity towards certain groups of people are seen throughout the media. Journal articles have been utilized in order to discuss the findings of the negativity that the media has on stereotypes and prejudice. Keywords: media & racism, stereotypes, prejudices Prejudices and Stereotypes in the Media Research has shown that the media has …show more content…

If you are raised around family members who are racist towards a certain group of people, then you become comfortable with hearing those racial slurs being said. So when a child who is so used to family members using derogatory and racist terms hears something like that on the news, they would not question it. Bandura’s social cognitive theory (1986) explains how people shape their principles and attitudes by watching and copying the behaviors and attitudes of others in their environment. Stereotyping and prejudices can be spotted everywhere. They can be seen in advertisements, on television, in the newspaper, and on national news as well. The public gets its information from the media, so they put a lot of trust in the media to inform them properly. Not many people question the media’s motives or whether they are reporting the truth. Schools do not generally educate the children about other cultures and other groups of people. By educating the children at a young age, this can help reduce stereotyping. It can teach young students to question the media and not to give in to the negativity that the media offers. Educating young students can be done in a many creative

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