Meat Food Essay

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I decided to find out where meat food comes from, because I really want people to know where the food on their table comes from. Most people don’t think about where their food comes from. They just think it comes from the supermarket or store. I chose this topic because I want to show a whole different world of where the food people eat really starts from. Plus my family’s really into health food and this is a good way to learn more about food. Cows are fed corn in concentrated animal feeding operations or (CAFO) which they aren’t supposed to eat. Cows have evolved to eat grass such as their multiply stomach but these days most the beef your eating will be have eaten corn with a cost to the environment, their health, and to you as a consumer. Grass has also evolved to be eaten by cows too, when a cow eats grass it won’t die as long as it gives it time to recover. Cows protect grass by eating shrubs and things that might compete; also they spread grass seeds and fertilizer with manure. Their daily diet in CAFO contains corn, protein supplement (containing molasses and urea), antibiotic drugs, alfalfa hay, and silage, these will be ground up and turned into feed. Cows used to be feed cow even though these animals are herbivores it was protein. They put scarps of meat into the feed. In till an outbreak of mad cow disease in England, mad cow disease is when something eats infected cow brain. Since they were eating cows and we eat the cows we were getting it to, the disease is always fatal. It was banned in 1997 but there are still some exceptions, we are still allowed to feed cows beef tallow and other animals. Some people worry that this could start mad cow disease again. It may sound like corn fed beef is healthier and the new ... ... middle of paper ... ... around 500,000 dollars in debt. If they don’t corporate with the company in buying the new equipment and what not the contact will be canceled. No way to pay off the debt, even though the average farmer (for chicken) only makes about 18,000 a year to 500,000 in debt. The workers in this large meat industry are picked for being poor. They treat their animals the same why they treat the workers. In this day in age the job of working at a slaughter house is very dangerous because the employees work with animal guts and organs so much they get infection in their fingernails and their fingernails separate from their finger. As a worker you’re covered with blood, feces, and urine it’s easy to get hurt. They pick people though that can’t afford to not work there. The obesity level has raised so much and one in three Americans born today well have type two onset diabetes.

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