Meaning Of Dave Chappelle's Story 'Boss Tweed'

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Jean Reynoso Professor Scott English 112 2/14/2018 Meaning of Dave Chappelle story. "The way to have power is to take it" Boss Tweed. Chappelle in his Netflix special tries to illustrate why it was that he left the stage until now. He tells us through a story the consequences of the misuse of power and the cruelty of capitalism. By putting his story in perspective with what is believed to have happened, we can conclude that the people who hired him are the pimps, and this is because they do not want their best source of income to reach true freedom. Chappelle is the sex worker, who has given her maximum potential. In the story, the sex worker prolongs her debt with her pimp, thanks to his deception. The people that she believed were helping …show more content…

All this forms a thought, a feeling that articulates human relations from the competitiveness, that generates struggle, that generates winners and losers, poor and rich. This can reach a point, where people fight against each other, considering the other as an enemy to be defeated. We have always understood that education should make people competent, not competitive. Since, we were little we had been taught that the other is our brother, our friend, that when there is a problem there is dialogue and when he needs help because life has not gone well, we have to help him out, so that he lives all right. The capitalist economy causes people to consider the other a threat, an enemy that must be watched, with the promise that for me to do well, I have to sink the other. When people follow this reasoning, an ethic is established, values such as greed, lies and cruelty, make us understand that this allows for riches, which is the goal of this life. This cruelty to be able to perform it needs impunity and immunity, so that the big fish eat the smallest, without any problem. But, Cappelle wants a society where the human acquires a value in such a way, that preserving human life should be the goal of

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