Mean Girls Reading Response

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Mean Girls reading response

“Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Regina George.” Okay, behind Mean Girl’s comedic, dramatic and plain exaggerated ideas of what it is like to be in High School, it really made me realise how lucky I am going to an all girls’ school. The film makes me smile every time I watch it because of the way high school is portrayed. After watching this movie, I did start noticing how at my age, girls are very insecure about the way they look and only talk about that. The idea, beauty is only skin deep is often very true in high schools and to fit in, and I learned to not always judge people on how pretty they are on the outside- but how pretty you are on the inside. People always assume that …show more content…

This really made me think about how when people are younger, you do not realise what is pretty or not, what makes you cool or not and how pretty girls have an ‘easier’ life. It is only once you grow older where you find out these things. Kady soon adapts to the way high school works and gradually throughout the movie, becomes a plastic. When all you want to do is fit in, you aren’t yourself therefore do not have self acceptance. This is shown through mean girls because it explores how people are bullied for their flaws. “I don’t hate you because you’re fat, you’re fat because I hate you” and “I’m sorry I called you a gapped tooth bitch, it’s not your fault you’re so gapped tooth.” For example, Janis is different, she is herself which means she is labelled- she has to be a ‘lesbian’ just because she is not afraid to express who she really is. “I guess it’s probably because I’ve got a big lesbian crush on you! Suck on that.” This message stayed with me because all these labels really mean nothing. Behind this entire name calling, we are all just people. Why would it matter if she was lesbian anyway? This is vivid in everyday society, people bullying others because they are either bored of their own life, are need a distraction from their own flaws. I’ve always hated bullying, because I’ve seen what it does to people and Mean Girl’s just

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