Mcfear Movie Review Essay

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The movie, McFarland, USA was inspired by the true story of a high school track team from McFarland, California. At first, the football coach, Jim White (Kevin Costner) had a little incident with one of the players, where he accidently throw the ball or the shoe into the guy's face; therefore, he was fired. However, McFarland high school offered him a job, which is becoming a biology and PE teacher. When his family moved into Mc Farland, they found themselves in a poor, Latino community. On his first day of being a teacher, he was unmotivated like he was just there to do the job. Gradually, he got interested in cross country when he saw a boy, Thomas, who ran so fast through the field. With the help of his student, Johnny, he created a cross country …show more content…

Jim White knew nothing about the cross country so that he just let them ran on the flat ground normally. So when they competed with other schools, they lost because they had to run on hills, which were more difficult for them. After the competition, half of the runners had to help out their families by working in the fields so they can't anticipate in the practices. Jim tried to work on the field with the runners as a picker, and he finally realized that the job is very tiresome. He admired his hard-working runners for making effort to come to school every day. At the same time, his family somehow got closer to the community. His runners showed him more respects and they started to call him as "Coach", not the nickname, "Blanco". They trained much harder than they ever did and they did place on top3 in some school competitions. Before the state champion contest started, there was a big incident happened on his daughter's Quinceanera. Everything was perfect and beautiful until his daughter was allowed to take a ride on the car of a formal gang. Even though the gang member did protect his daughter and she returned safely; yet, he was very insecure and afraid of what will happen in the future if they are still living

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