Mccarthyism Dbq

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McCarthyism, became a term that referred to Senator Joseph McCarthy from Wisconsin and the ruthless tactics he employed and institutionalized while seeking to destroy the threat of Communism to the United States government and society between 1950 and 1954. Fears of communism and self-promotion were utilized by McCarthy to promote himself as a politician end protector of the American way of life. Generally, McCarthyism became synonymous with the Medieval Witch Hunts and trials in that unfair prosecutions were based on fears and rumors. Both, McCarthyism and witch hunts were products of generally unfavorable times. Similarly, testimony and confessions were often forced by threat and coercion. Seemingly plausible accusations containing innuendo …show more content…

American intelligence was aware of the Soviet position and justification of expansionism. Further, the Soviets had made it clear that socialism and capitalism could never be harmonious which lead to U.S. to garner public support for the Cold War. Document 4, House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) testimony by J Edgar Hoover features allegations of Soviet threats to the the U.S. and provides a clear illustration of how the United States government set about shaping public opinion of the dangers of Communist Party by 1947.Within Document 4, highly respected crime fighter, FBI director J.Edgar Hoover articulates reasons why and the details of how and why communism should be found and rooted out of government. Hoover's testimony and statement to the HUAC became the platform from which cooperation, investigation and prosecution of communism had it’s earliest formal roots. More importantly, however, Hoover's testimony lead to America's heightened awakening to the threat of communism as well pushing an institutionalization of an anti-communism network. Details of prosecutions in the 1949 Smith Act trial are found in Document 10 and these details illustrate the extent to which Hoover’s testimony and statement paved the way for such far reaching prosecutions. Government prosecutors made great strides in connecting illegal acts of communism to the subversion of United States laws and Violation of the Smith Act throughout this

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