McDonald's change in Advertising

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From the early sixties to twenty-thirteen, people have been stopping by McDonald’s for a cheap and easy meal. Traveling the world? Just heading to work? Time is money, and going to McDonald’s can save lots of time. With the use of advertisements, McDonald’s persuades everyone to visit their restaurant. Although the modern McDonald’s ad and the vintage McDonalds ad are both superior advertisements for McDonald’s, the vintage ad is better because it has a better focal point, theme, prominent element, artistic choices, and feeling or mood.
In comparison to the new ad, the focal point is much better in the 1965 ad because it shows a clearer focal point. The first thing the viewers see in the old ad is the large McDonald’s sign and the classic car sitting in the parking lot. This could bring back memories or someone’s childhood, or even remind them of a movie they love. The classic car in the parking lot creates lots of different feelings for the viewers. The McDonald’s sign is a superior focal point because the viewer knows exactly what the ad will be about right as they look at the ad. Nothing screams McDonald’s like a golden arch! On the McDonald’s sign, the lettering says “Wonderful Hamburgers”. Hamburgers is a term McDonald’s hardly ever uses now. Even though the old ad have a better focal point, the modern ad does have an alright focal point.
Like the old ad, the new ad has a decent focal point. In this ad, there are two focal points: On the left side, there is a salad. And on the right there is a salad along with a whole meal consisting of a burger, a drink, and a salad. This would make people instantly think that there are healthy options for them at McDonald’s, therefore, they would want to stop by for some food. The brig...

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...ome, this might make you happy. You can now order a salad from McDonald’s and not gain a bunch of weight. Because the new ad has a decent mood or theme that is projects, it is a superior ad for McDonald’s.
Over the last fifty years, McDonald’s has changed their advertisements immensely. Instead of showing the restaurant as a whole, McDonald’s now shows just the food and the products they serve to you. This is a big change, but was most likely for the best. Advertisements are what make big businesses successful. Without ads, people wouldn’t know about some of the restaurants that are present. Things such as focal point, theme, prominent element, artistic choices, and feeling or mood are what make advertisements speak to the people. Although the new ad is a great ad for the company McDonald’s, the older ad is better because it portrays all of these elements better.

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