Maya Angelou Analysis

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While reading "Courage Courses through Maya Angelou's story; Writer and activist agrees social problems persist" by Fish Griwkowsky. Maya Angelou is a very strong individual, not physically but mentally. Her life struggles and the strength she was able to maintain through those devilish times of her life made her the successful person she is now. She worked hard enough to become an iconic writer, poet, even in front of major films as an actor/filmmaker. Only hard work and dedication can get people where they want to be in life. Maya Angelou took risks and sacrifice, those hard times she went through gave her the strength to be successful. (Griwkowsky) Maya Angelou had a special relationship with both Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, and Malcolm X. She admired their courage and how they carried themselves. Not to make fun of people that were not successful as them, they would make jokes of their own mistakes in life to make themselves feel in anyway not smarter than anyone around them and stay motivated to better themselves as people. Maya soon became good friends with both Dr. Martin Luth...

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