Perseverance Amidst Avalanche: A Character Analysis

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It took a group effort to get almost everyone home safely. There were only about ten characters throughout the whole book and almost all of them were Round characters. There were few settingings but the settings given were very descriptive. The book had lots of action in it so there were several high points in the plot. The book Avalanche showed many examples of perseverance and the dangers of an avalanche through characterization, setting, and theme. The main character of the book is Matt Ruban. He was seventeen years old, six ft. tall, and 192. Matt Ruban is a very dynamic character. At the beginning of the book, Matt has a hatred for his dad he was going to visit him in Florida, but his dad cancelled (Braun 5,7). Towards the end …show more content…

The book starts with the group hiking in the mountains. One of the group members than slips and starts an avalanche three of the six people got buried in snow (Braun 64,65). The group then goes to find the abandoned cabin, They place Sid on a cot in the cabin. The next morning a mountain lion attempts to attack they are in the cabin and do not get injured. During the next day they attempt to save sid by taking him down the hill (Braun 78-80). Eventually they make it to a hospital and cure Sid. There is a common thing that continually reappears all throughout the book. Melinda Braun refers to this figure as the Hunter. All throughout the book the hunter is getting closer and closer. Eventually, the hunter is revealed as a mountain lion and attacks the group (Braun 53). The theme of the book was surviving and working together. All throughout the book the group is working together to save each other so that they all make it home safe. The book Avalanche showed many examples of perseverance and the dangers of an avalanche through characterization, setting, and theme. The setting of the book was almost always in the mountains. Melinda Braun uses the figure of the hunter as her motif she slowly reveals the hunter throughout the story. Throughout the book the characters were constantly saving each other even though they didn't know each other that well. This book taught how to be safe in the mountains and how teamwork

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