Matisse's Bonheur De Vivre And Les Demoiselles

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For doing this assignment I will describe briefly Cézanne’s, The Large Bathers first and then I will describe Matisse’s Bonheur de Vivre and then Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Ávignon describing and commenting how they can see inspired by Cezanne’s painting.
Cézanne’s, The Large Bathers is an oil canvas exhibited in 1906 and is part of a series of bather paintings of the same painter and was the last to be produced.
The painting shows the woman as if they were goddess emulating a Renaissance work in the middle of a natural landscape. The female bathing group is nude, and the figures are shown in a unfinished and flat form. The female bodies are in architectural and frozen poses showing multiples sides of the body at once. The landscape acts as a scene of a theater and the trees as if they were curtains and the women in the background are watching their actions. The viewer act as a voyeur watching this private scene. Following is attached the painting:

Matisse’s Bonheur de Vivre (Joy of Life), is an oil canvas exhibited in 1906. It is a large-scale painting of 2.41 x 1.75 m. Matisse’s work is very related to Cézanne’s The Large Bathers because Matisse construct the painting in a natural landscape of a forest, meadow, and sea, that function as if it were a stage. It shows also nude figures of women, sitting, laying down, …show more content…

This master piece is the most famous example of cubism painting using geometric forms and planes. It Was considered to be a response to Matisse’s The Joy of Life. The painting is related to the other artists because it shows five nude women but these women are said to be prostitutes in a brothel. They all are shown in the same plane which is seen from different perspectives simultaneously. It also shows the influence of the African art because some women are shown wearing African masks. Following is attached the picture of the

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