Mathematics in Early Childhood Learning

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1. Identify your beliefs: State what beliefs you hold about teaching and learning mathematics for each of the following:

a) What learning mathematics is for in the early childhood environment

b) The role of the teacher in children learning mathematics

c) The role of the teacher in teaching mathematics to children

d) Children and their learning of mathematics

I believe that learning mathematics in the early childhood environment encourages and promotes yet another perspective for children to establish and build upon their developing views and ideals about the world. Despite this belief, prior to undertaking this topic, I had very little understanding of how to recognise and encourage mathematical activities to children less than four years, aside from ‘basic’ number sense (such as counting) and spatial sense (like displaying knowledge of 2-D shapes) (MacMillan 2002). Despite enjoying mathematical activities during my early years at a Montessori primary school, like the participants within Holm & Kajander’s (2012) study, I have since developed a rather apprehensive attitude towards mathematics, and consequently, feel concerned about encouraging and implementing adequate mathematical learning experiences to children within the early childhood environment.

Although recent early childhood education research recognises the importance of prior-to-school learning (Perry & Dockett 2008), I find that a majority of articles articulate that both numeracy and literacy development act as ‘preparatory’ and ‘determinative’ indicators for future success in school (LeFevre et. al 2009) which, at times, overshadow and take away from the holistic, play-based framework of the Early Years Learning Framework (Australian Gov...2009). I b...

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...ett, S. (2008) . Young children’s access to powerful mathematical ideas, in English, Lyn D (ed), Handbook of international research in mathematics education, 2nd edn, New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 75-108.

Sherley, B., Clark, M. & Higgins, J. (2008) School readiness: what do teachers expect of children in mathematics on school entry?, in Goos, M., Brown, R. & Makar, K. (eds.) Mathematics education research: navigating: proceedings of the 31st annual conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australia, Brisbane, Qld: MERGA INC., pp.461-465.

Shulman, L.S. (1986) Those who understand: Knowledge growth in teaching. Educational Researcher, 15 (2), p.4-14.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978) Mind In Society. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

Wadham, B., Pudsey, J.& Boyd, R. (2007) Culture and Education, Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia.

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