Maternity Support Belt Essay

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A belt is indeed needed during pregnancy days for abdominal support to mom's belly. During pregnancy phase, women abdomen starts expanding across the uterus exerting pressure on the backbone and pelvic girdle. The pain at this moment will be enormous and , so, will be difficult to manage day to day work. Then after pregnancy the skin under abdomen starts shrinking for 6 months secreting hormones, estrogen, progesterone and relaxin loosening the abdominal muscles. It is advisable to wear a maternity support belt after child birth to adhere to the natural process of recovery. For postpartum support , mothers should use medically approved quality support belt. Theses belts come in different sizes depending on hip size. Mothers can wear it for 12 to 24 hours in a day for a period of 120 days as long as they feel comfortable till they are back to original shape. Medical compression is available in different designs depending on what suits to natural recovery and C-section recovery.

In diastasis recti condition , there is abdominal separation caused due to the pressure against the abdominal wall during pregnancy. Hormones also weaken connective tissue allowing abdominal separation happen with ease. This after c-section nuance is taken care by the corsets specially …show more content…

Mothers look for wearing a corset that normally can be used as undergarment and should not hamper during their normal working hours. Looking at the requirement , corset companies have designed corsets in the form up pull up and corset with a zipper. Pull up corset is meant for child birth with natural recovery and zipper one meant for child birth with c-section delivery. Post pregnancy belly no more takes time to heal its back pain, spinal realignment, ligament stabilization, organ repositioning with the help provided by these postpartum support

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