Massage Therapy Modality Essay

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Choosing a particular therapy modality was quite difficult since I have never tried any of them. Looking up many available therapies, I found that they all have their own benefits. I decided to try therapeutic massage because I heard it was relaxing, as well as decreased the muscles intensity. I did find that massage therapy was very relaxing, indeed. However, it was also a little painful.
When the massage therapist started on my head and then went the areas where the muscles were tenser; it became a little painful, especially on the back and shoulders. But the therapist would go to the areas that were tense and then move to areas that were less tense. This technique helped me to relax because I would feel a little pain then alleviation. On …show more content…

She made sure that I was laying in the right position; it seemed that they prevailed comfort. Having the room perfectly set up for relaxation, made me feel calm and distressed. The massage therapist was very gentle and made sure that I was receiving the complete muscle relaxation process. The environment was very relaxing and the staff was acting accordingly, providing calmness and easiness. The massage was done slowly and had breaks so I was able to feel the relaxation.
I found that massage therapy was an interesting way that one can connect with oneself. When lying on the massage bed in a pleasant room, you can put your thoughts together and visualize in your mind different ways you can cope with your personal stresses. The most important is that you experience inner feelings of serenity, gratification, peace, and etc. I felt that I was worry free and comfortable like there was nothing on my surroundings. Therapeutic massage helped me to achieve a great level of body-mind balance.
Massage therapy would definitely be helpful to make people feel more relaxed and contented. Perhaps, even helping with people that suffer from depression. This modality also helps you to organize your thoughts and have better attitudes towards daily issues. In addition, it would help people to connect with themselves and

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