Mary Of Nazareth School Analysis

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Good evening Mary of Nazareth faculty, fellow classmates, and families. When I first stepped into this school ten years ago, my life changed in many ways. It was changed spiritually, academically, and socially. I made many memories throughout the years I have been here. I have made many friends and I will never forget them. This school has been my family since preschool. I will miss everyone next year as we all head into different high schools. This school has taught me valuable lessons that I will remember and make use of in the future. After being here for a long time, I had experienced many things others did not. Here are some of the experiences I had.
In our spiritual life, we have learned a lot about our faith. We learned many different prayers and we have also learned about the Church. We have attended many school masses and gotten to know other students better, like our prayer partners. Mary of Nazareth School has developed us into more religious people and has taught us right from wrong. We have also experienced the living rosary, Eucharist Day, and other religious days. We learned a lot on using respectful manners and how to treat others with kindness. This school has made me a better person in many ways and it will positively impact my life. …show more content…

When I was in preschool, I was just learning how to write. Now, I am getting ready to graduate and move on to high school. This school has prepared me in many ways for high school and college. All of the teachers care for each and every one of the students and help the students understand the curriculum. Throughout my academic experience, I have made many memories with my fellow classmates. A memory that we will never forget is the competitive mad minutes in elementary school. Another memory that we will never forget is caleva. Everyone had so much fun and enjoyed it. We learned a lot about teamwork and trusting one another and that is the main thing about

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