Marxism In Aldous Huxley's Brave New World

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Marxism in Brave New World

Aldous Huxley’s ideas could be controversial depending on the perspective you or others engage towards it. The Marxist Theory consist in several different points and beliefs, though, Marxism is one of many ideas that are shown in Brave New World, perhaps the easiest of all the allusions Huxley mentions throughout the novel.

According to Karl Marx Theory about Marxism, he states that social classes lead to internal conflicts in society and is the idea that one is to serve his community without complain…

Supposedly in the highly advanced society Huxley created, all social classes (Epsilon, Delta, Gamma, Beta, Alpha) are conditioning to obey and serve only the tasks giving in their social class and highly believe
This is why conditioning and hypnopaedia is essential to the stability of

the World State in Brave New World. “But that’s the price we have to pay for stability”(220).

Whoever threatens the stability in society, he or she is relocated and send to different kind of

island as punishment……

.Knowing how marxism and Brave New World are seen in the novel,

we could easily assume that Huxley is aware of Marxism and therefore, he created a way to

overpass Marx’s Theory with the conditioning of these subjects (Epsilon, Delta, Gamma,

Beta, Alpha).

Body Paragraph: These classes could be related to some sort of capitalism similar to the proletariat and bourgeoisie, in which their divided, but in this case workers in all positions are stated to be equal, even though social classes are hated or not hated rather disgust by other groups.

Ending Conclusion

Despite Aldous Huxley's ideas that are too controversial, Marxism is the one that prevails from the beginning until the very end of the novel.

Marxism is a hard topic to talk about, despite the the struggle in explaining what Marxism is about is related to economic and political.
Approaches in Marxism

How Capitalist relates to Brave New World and the difference between those

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