Marx Critical Theory

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The traditional theory defined knowledge as a derivable from axiomatic facts which lead to propositions base, through the application of universal laws, the Traditional theory found a way to explain those facts. A mirror of reality, knowledge was as simple as that to the Traditional theory, the theory mainly aimed to separate knowledge from action. On the other hand, there was the Critical Theory, the latter did not idolized knowledge, rather, it considered knowledge a function to social liberation, eventually, it turned knowledge into action of social criticism for the favor of reality transformation. While Hegel saw the engagement of Rationality with Reality as a production of the modern national project, Marx looked at it as a struggle of social classes. Critical theorists rejected both aspects of these philosophers, though they were influenced by them. The Marxian philosophy that is (the relation between a system of production is paralleled by a system of beliefs) was the Critical theorists' starting point. Generally, we could say that for
Critical theorists Ideology had to be analyzed as a non-economically reducible form of expression of human rationality, but to Marx it was totally explicable through the underlying system of production. By interpreting rationality as a form of self-reflective action, Critical Theory represents a specific form of rational enquiry capable of distinguishing, immanently, “ideology” from
Hegelian “Spirit”. The mission of Critical Theory, though, is not grueling by a theoretical understanding of the social reality; as a matter of fact, there is a strict correlation between critical understanding and transformative action: theory and practice are correlated. The Critical theorists abandoned this ap... ... middle of paper ...

... relation to thought. Derrida was supposed to reveal that reality is real. Despite the complexity of his exposition, Derrida doesn't seem to come close to developing a theory which avoids the metaphysics of presence. The fact that his theory is not vulnerable to logical difficulties because logic itself is precisely what is being called into question is not available to him either.
In my opinion, I believe that Existentialism may fit with my view of our contemporary life, specifically with this rapid progress of science approach.
The idea of existence before essence has always spoke to me, and I have always believed that the key for understanding the world is within us. Unlike the existentialism, postmodernism relies on solid experience over plain principles, believing that the result of an individual's own experience will necessarily be relative, rather universal.

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