Martyrs Film Techniques

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The film Martyrs is about two girls and their journey for closure whatever the cost. Events unfold in an unexpected way and soon neither one of them will ever be the same again. The film is not only forgien due to it being in french but also forgien because of what is shown. The genres drama, horror, and mystery lend their elements to the film. Lately a lot of high gore movies are coming out of europe which without a doubt would not make it to any cinema in the united states. From the very begining all the way to the end of the movie it looks as if the movie was shot through a blue filter something similar to David Fincher did in fight club with the green tinge. The majority of the movie is also shot from lower angles to keep us eye level with the characters thus keeping us imerssed into their story. These two girls are supposed to be real people perhaps someone you could bump shoulders with. The use of music is also used sparingly but that does …show more content…

The camera is now a high definition modern camera which starts off steady. Lighting is dim and minimal music now at a pause briefly as the older girl gets out of the bed the camera becomes slightly shakey. A unsettling sound is heard which attracts the awoken girl she approaches the source of the noise. The closer she gets to the source the shakier the camera gets. A higher pitched track is played with horror movie aspects like off tempo and no rythm. The girl runs to her bed and dives in bed the camera is no overhead looking down at the girl under her sheets for a moment. The noises are now approaching the girl which are auidable over the music still playing and intensifying. The child peaks her head out and we see a figure on her bed. The music is at a pause we hear the girl's breathing the camera is shot from the point of view of the girl the figure stays motionless then we hear a shriek and the figure lunges for the girl and we are greeted by the tittle of the

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