Martin Shkreli: Turing Pharmaceuticals Scandal

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In recent years one major corporate crime that has captured headline news has been the Martin Shkreli/Turing Pharmaceuticals scandal. Martin Shkreli was CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals a company that acquired U.S. marketing rights for a drug called Daraprim, a popular drug for AIDS patients. Shkreli amplified the pricing on the drug that has been on the market for decades from $13 to $750 per pill, which is more than a 5,000% increase. Although, these actions made Martin Shkreli infamous amongst Americans, his decision to raise the price of the drugs were perfectly legal. Instead, Shkreli found himself in trouble with regards to the 2 hedge fund companies that he ran, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare. In 2011 while running MSMB Capital Management,

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