Martin Luther King Dbq Analysis

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Following the victory of the North over the South in the civil war, Black Americans were given independence. This led to court rulings such as the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendment, which granted all citizens equality before the law and stated that, the ‘right to vote should not be denied ... on account of race’. However, in practice these Amendments were not upheld, there were no measures in place to implement these rulings and no prevention of the ill treatment of Black Americans. Due to these new rulings, De Facto segregation increased especially with the establishment of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Also, in the South although the 15th Amendment gave everyone the right to vote, Jim Crow laws were put in place to deliberately prevent Black Americans from voting. Black Americans had differing views on how to deal with their situation, while some felt it was best to accept the status quo, others wanted to fight for equal rights but disagreed on whether they should integrate with whites or remain separate. Overall, Martin Luther King was not the most successful civil rights leader, as the ground work was laid down by previous activists. Although he made some contribution, it was no more significant or praiseworthy than other black rights activists or organisations. Martin Luther King believed in integration, he believed that everyone, blacks and whites should live and work together as equals. ‘I have a dream that … one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers.' He held hope that one day black and white Americans would be united as one nation. This approach was crucial for engaging the white community. King was best able to expres... ... middle of paper ... ...n, and this may be due to his use of media coverage but was not the most successful. Some argued that he was a glory seeker, who used the civil rights movement to gain publicity. He was a vital part of the civil rights movement and this is shown through his death, as after which the civil right movement fizzled out. King was led several successful campaigns such as the March on Washington, which brought many civil rights organisations together. The emotional impact of the March on Washington is thought to have helped the passage of civil rights legislation. Overall, Although King and the SCLC made some contribution it was no more than others, such as the NAACP who received less publicity but were equally if not more effective. For example, the NAACP won a unanimous victory with Brown V Board Of Education, in which segregated education was said to be unconstitutional.

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