Marriage Essay: Falling In Love, And The Love Of Marriage

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Love of Marriage

If previous societies never took a chance to roll the dice towards the development of marriage affairs, imagine the chaos that would take place. Not that our world isn’t submerged in a pool of pandemonium in a harmonious basis but our idea of a family would be preferably altered; that isn’t to say a tribe is something we are supposed to cultivate in any way or form. When we look back at western civilizations and the civil engagement to marry a person, it is tempting to accept that the experience of falling in love and the religious commitment in which you choose to make are rather two separate things. That isn’t to say that it is a fraudulent decision, but rather one not initiated in the all mighty devotion and regard one undergoes in such occasion. Marriage is a civil and/or holy ceremony, on the basis of which a contract, where one signs on the dotted line. Just like a typical …show more content…

Just like a mystical vision, you never look for it but rather let it be like any other unpredictable situation. So is it only when you love someone that you see them as they truly are? Or when you don’t, you only see a limited portion of that person? There is a problem you see, that is ultimately depending on you for clarity. But if love is like lightning and strikes with no warning, it seems as if it will always be something incomprehensible. You do not see the love for a mother or a brother inconceivable in any way. You understand that you cannot choose but rather influence your own family, and decide to love them with or without any particular cause or condition. You see, we must not really be able to make sense of how much we know of someone by the condition of love towards that person. We never say that we are rising into love because there is something in the idea of the fall. The force of gravity is a downward constant force of 9.8m/s. We are careful to look at the floor beneath us to minimize the chance of

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