Marriage Equality In Australia Essay

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Marriage Equality in Australia is surrounded by a lot of controversy and raises human rights and federal law issues, as well as social, religious, moral and political questions. The LGBTI community in Australia has been fighting for years for equal rights for their community but are continuously faced with stiff opposition from the government and religious institutions. To understand the issue of Marriage Equality it is important to understand the varying viewpoints, the current situation for the LGBTI community in Australia and why marriage is so important for this community and Australia. I believe that there is no argument powerful enough to deny the LGBTI community the right to marry who they love, and once one takes a close look into the situation you can see how having the same rights and protections of marriage affect the physical and emotional lives of these people.
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Human rights are protections which apply to all human beings across the globe no matter where they may live. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was ratified by the United Nations in 1948 in which …show more content…

In 2004, language change to the Federal Marriage Act of 1961 officially changed marriage to the union of a Man and Woman. With this language in place, it makes it impossible for marriage equality to be achieved in Australia. The government remains divided on the issue of marriage equality. The Australian Democratic Party, The Australian Greens, the Australian Labor Party all support marriage equality. However, the liberal party does not, and continues to be the biggest opponent of marriage equality in government. This includes Prime Minister Tony Abbott who is a huge opponent of gay marriage due to his conservative Christian beliefs, and has so far not allowed for a conscience vote in parliament on the

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