Marketing Promotion Plan For Dell

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Marketing promotion

Dell Inc. is a large multi-national company which develops, manufactures, distributes, repairs and supports electronics, computers and computer related products and services. The company is among the largest technological corporation across the world. It is characterized by highly innovative and creative products. Its services and products are known for high quality and high level of customer satisfaction. This paper outlines a promotional plan for Dell inc. the costed multi-media promotional plan is designed to achieve specific marketing strategy for the organization as will be outlined in this paper.

Dell inc. is mostly known for personal computers, storage devices and computer peripherals. The company is highly innovative and has been known for its excellent direct-sales and build-to-order model that have contributed highly to the growth and profitability of the company. Dell is known for best organizational practices and organizational culture. It promotes a positive culture that encourages team spirit and good relationship between all the stakeholders. Technology industry or sector is among the toughest industries which demand much effort, innovation and effective marketing and promotional strategy in order to compete favorably.

There are several current legal and regulatory aspects that face the company. The company has to meet the entire legal requirement and frame work of operating in computer technological industry as far as quality and price regulations are concerned. Dell has been able to meet the legal and standard requirements in the manufacture, distribution and promotion of its products. For instance it offers its products at reasonable prices that reflect the industry pricing regulations. The...

... middle of paper ... far as the product is concerned. In this promotional plan, the company will use celebrities who will play the role of building a strong brand image for Dell’s product. Celebrated persons are highly respected and thus associating them with the company’s product will play an important role in creating awareness and positive attitude towards the company’s products.
The company plans to manufacture and distribute a strong personal computer brand and will win loyalty and preference all over the world. A strong brand is that which is known all over the world and one that enjoys the benefit of recommendation from satisfied customers.
Indirect communication involves communicating the strong features and advantages of the product to all customers. Indirect communication will be important in building a strong brand with a positive attitude towards the company’s product.

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