Mark Brown's Short Film, Going Down

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"Going Down" written and directed by Mark Brown is a short film about a dark thrilling story of a businessman and repairman in a never ending elevator going down. the main idea in this short film is to not judge a book by its cover. Mark Brown used a similar idea by do not judge someone or anything by their look or appearance. In this short film there is a lot of aspects used therefore the major aspects that I have chosen is dialogue, extreme close up, editing effect, camera angles and Lighting. At the start of the short film there is dialogue being used between the two characters, a repairman and a businessman but there is no more dialogue between the two of them after he and read the article in the newspaper that explains about an …show more content…

The faces on the two characters also show sweat and fear after one of the characters had read the article about a escaped convict. In the short film the close up show the to men anxious and confused as they were having second thoughts of who the convict on the loose is because it could be on of them. The close up on there face show the viewers gives us more detail of how intense and scary it is in the elevator as you can see the waterfalls of sweat falling off there face. Mark the director was successful with this because it felt like it was a scary situation to be …show more content…

This shown throughout the short film but as it gets more intense the lighting get more and more gloomier. There is more lighting to show darkness behind the characters to give it that extra effect of the surroundings but the lighting on the faces were the key impact when watching the short film because you can see all the sweat trickling down the faces and the reactions through there facial expressions. This shows the viewers how dramatic the short film and how horrifying it would be to be in there shoes. The purpose of the underexposure lighting was to focus more on the characters while the surroundings were still creepy and dark. It was very successful because it made me stay hooked in for the whole short

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