Margaret Atwood's Happy Endings

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In Atwood's "Happy Endings", story A, John and Marry fall in love, get married, have several "stimulating and challenging" activities and then they die. Then the story continues with several different variations of this basic love story plot, however, a twist is added to each one. In Story B, Marry loves John, but John does not love her. John is in love with Madge. Mary then tries to kill herself to get Johns attention, but he does not notice, and she dies. In the end, John and Madge get married and live like the first story. Story C begins will John (who is older) loves Mary and Mary loves James (who is a young free spirit). John is married to Madge in this one, so he can only get together with Mary on Thursday's...and they do. One day, John walks in on Mary and James high and in bed. John's response is shooting them then himself. Madge then finds a respectable man and they live the rest of their life like A. In D, Madge and Fred have all of A, however, their house is hit by a tidal wave they survive and then continue with A. In E, Fred has a bad heart, dies and Madge does charity until the end of A. In F, Atwood leaves more to your mind and your own interest.

All the stories were very similar, in that they all end the same way. The message, in my opinion, that Atwood was attempting to tell was that there are many different ways to the end. The ideal route to the end that we all wish it is to "have a stimulating and challenging sex life and worthwhile friends... have hobbies which [we] find stimulating and challenging." and eventually die happy and together with the one we love and cherish the most. Most of us know that the odds of this ever happening are very slim, plus when telling a story this version has the potential to be quiet boring. Therefore Atwood analysis life and creates different variations that are presented to you which made you wonder, "What if...", and therefore gives you the reader, the opportunity to look at your life and ask yourself that same question.

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