Marco Rubio Differences In Presidential Elections

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With nine candidates in the running, four Republicans and five Democrats the Florida Senate race became an important power grab for not only the party but also the Presidential race. Senate races within years of Presidential elections are always important as they help shift power within the nation. What is most interesting about the race is what the winner did and who the winner is. Marco Rubio rejoining the race for Senate after dropping out of the Presidential race was definitely a shake up. As the Democrats poured support into their bids for Senate, primary behind Patrick Murphy, to ensure the Democratic victory. While one would assume the Democrats would attack Marco Rubio for failing at the Presidential race, especially after not winning Florida, the attacks did not stop Rubio from sailing forward within the Republican spectrum. Rubio, despite not focusing on the Senate race was able to pull off 7% victory over the Democratic runner up. One particular reason Rubio was …show more content…

As mentioned before, Trump and Clinton choice two different paths, the establishment vs the outsider. As the polls showed leading up to election day, Clinton was the projected winner, yet Trump still ended up winning (Polls Florida Presidential Race, RealClearPolitics). On the flipside, the Senate race showed Rubio winning, when in fact he did, at a remarkably close percentage that was predicted by most polls. As far as Florida in the Presidential race, Trump’s victory seems to have come down to the amount of time spent in the state as well as the issues he choice to champion, which helped bring out the working class. For Rubio, it was his promise to work with either winner and his perceived dedication to the state, despite the attacks the Democrats sent forth when the Senator missed making votes within the Senate as he pursued his Presidential

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