Marco Polo: The Life And Life Of Marco Polo

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Marco Polo was a great person who traveled a lot which allowed him to become famous. He traveled to China, Sri Lanka, and India. Marco Polo originally lived in Dalmatia, which is along the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, located in present day Croatia. Marco Polo’s family was traders and merchants. Marco Polo was born in 1254 and died in January 1324 in Venice, Italy.
Marco Polo’s childhood was very different from ours. His childhood was sad for most of the time. Polo spent most of his childhood parentless; his mother died when he was little. He was raised be an extended family because his father and uncle were in Asia for most of Polo’s young age. His dad’s name was Niccolo Polo, and his uncle’s name was Maffeo Polo. When his father and uncle came back from Asia, after being successful merchants, they decided to take Polo the next time they would go to Asia.
In 1271, Marco Polo, Niccolo Polo, and Maffeo Polo decided to set out for Asia again. In order to reach China, they had to cross the Gobi desert. Their journeys took place on land, and were forced to cross through harsh ter...

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