Man Vs. Nature In Homer's Odyssey

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In the Odyssey there were three themes that can be seen in the Odyssey man vs. nature, the will to survive, and knowledge vs. ignorance. Within man vs. nature Odysseus had to overcome different challenges on his journey back home to Ithaca. To explain, Odysseus had many quests along his journey home. One quest he had after leaving Cyclopes Island was after he left Aeolus the ruler of the wind(). He had received wind from Aeolus to help him get back home to Ithaca. After leaving Aeolus ten days later Odysseus’s and his men could catch sight of Ithaca(). But while Odysseus was sleep his crewmen believed that Odysseus was holding out on them and open the bag(). Without knowing that it was just wind in the bag not jewels(). They were quickly sent back to Aeolia(). This is a great example, of man vs. nature because it shows Odysseus’s crewmen disloyalty to believe that Odysseus would be holding out against his men. This caused nature to go against everybody and send them back to Aeolia instead of going in their favor. …show more content…

Showing hospitality is a rule in Greece. Hospitality is when people meet their guest’s needs before making small talking or knowing who the person is. Someone can demonstrate good hospitality by offering food, clothing, or anything else that the guest is lacking. Also, being respectful to the guest is seen as being a good host. The role that hospitality plays within greek custom is social standing. In other words how the hosts treats their guest is a reflection of the outcome and how the gods look upon them. To explain, if a hosts does wrong by a guest, then bad things will happen. Verses if hosts does great things for the guest, good things will happen. Demonstrating good hospitality is important to the gods because the people in Greece don’t know when the gods will be in disguise therefore the idea of hospitality is to treat everyone as if they are a

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