Malcolm Muggeridge Something Beautiful For God Summary

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Simply Overrated A biography, defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary, is defined as, “the story of a real person's life written by someone other than that person”. The book Something Beautiful for God is an example of a biography. Written by Malcolm Muggeridge, this book explains the works and conversations of Mother Teresa. This story encompasses Malcolm’s journey into the slums of India for a movie and report he is working on. While there, he wrote of how he had “never experienced so perfect a sense of human equality as with Mother Teresa” (Muggeridge, 23). He explains how when he was with her, he felt the light and love of Jesus. So what makes this account a true biography? Is it truly a story of someone’s life, not just the good deeds that …show more content…

But a biography is one place where we would expect to find a perfectly impartial story. We want to know the good and the bad side of a person. Malcolm Muggeridge, however, mostly conveys the good side of Mother Teresa. He holds her in such high opinion that he convinces everyone that she is saintly. To be a good biography though, it must encompass all sides of a character, including the flaws. In Something Beautiful for God, Malcolm claims that, “There are few things I should rather do than please her” (Muggeridge, 54), and that he would even enter the church if “…it would give happiness to Mother Teresa” (Muggeridge, 58). To Malcolm, Mother Teresa was perfect. And he conveys that in the book. If the reader were to only read this book on Mother Teresa, they would never know her true beliefs and principles. They would not know that she believed that Mary was the mediator between God and ourselves. They would not know that she believed that all religions will lead to the same God. They would not know that she believed that suffering is spiritual value and that she would not prescribe pain killers telling her patients that they are suffering like Christ. Overall, this book would not tell you who Mother Teresa really was. It’s true that Mother Teresa brought light to parts of the world that no one would dare go, but it’s also true that Mother Teresa taught a false religion. Something Beautiful for God then is not a true

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