Making Sport, Sport Again: Deliberating The Banning P-Eds In Sports

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Making Sport, Sport Again: Liberating the Ban on P-EDs in Sports Controlling doping in sport has been a growing problem since the issue of doping has risen in the 1960s (3). This is due to the fact that doping activity cannot be tested for because the methods of doping are changing. Cheating in sport is usually deceptive and hidden, this occurs either by the cheating being done in secret or by finding ways to suppress key information (3). Cheating also occurs when someone breaks a rule that gives them an advantage over others (3). The ban on performance enhancing drugs should be lifted because it would decrease the cheating in sport and increase the autonomy of the athlete. Suits’ believes that games are defined by their rules (3, p. 232). …show more content…

I do not believe that fairness is the only determinant of victory during sport. Sport holds values of teamwork, growth, learning, courage and determination (7). By banning P-EDs because they decide the victor in sport, you are undermining the other values an athlete must hold to be successful. The idea in sport is not for all to come out equally, it is for the individual who has the greatest ability and motivation to succeed. By allowing everyone to use P-EDs, you are putting everyone back on the same playing field. This is written with the assumption that the reader is aware that there are many athletes who are doping that will never be reprimanded. Athletes make various choices throughout their careers in regards to nutrition and exercise which can ultimately lead to a physiological change in body composition. These choices are a product of the teamwork, growth, learning courage and determination that was previously discussed. The key point is that the athlete should be able to make the choices to change their body composition because choices are a key part of being a strong athlete. If the winner in sport is using P-EDs, then it should be because the athlete made the informed decision to take them, not because somebody else made that decision for them. …show more content…

This is not true because the drugs are not what is allowing the athlete to excel. The hours of training that this athlete is putting into their event is what is allowing them to win. Sport is not about being slow and boring, people enjoy watching fast-paced movements that they could not reciprocate themselves. People want to be captivated and amazed by the stunts that these athletes are demonstrating, and I believe P-EDs would only help that. Taking P-EDs would not change the sport because the sport would still have the same rules, the same equipment and the same players (7). Taking P-EDs while training is simply another form of training in which all athletes

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