Making Connections: Observation/Analysis of The King’s Speech

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During early childhood a few aspects of the child’s abilities to learn and inhibit speech is very crucial. Having a speech impediment can be caused by the lack of the influential role of the parents during their linguistic phase of their development. Having a strict parent and an uninvolved parent can cause a child to become unhappy and feel guilty. Emotion regulation depends on the child’s relationship with the father. Children with parents who are uninvolved in their lives are more likely to be maltreated. Therefore, a child without a secure attachment with their parents is more likely to struggle later in life.
The King’s Speech is the story about King George VI, and his struggle to overcome his speech impediment, which made him doubt his ability to become king. King George VI, also referred to as Bertie, began as the Duke of York and worked with many different speech therapists to help cure him of his stammering, all ending unsuccessfully. It is Bertie’s wife, the Duchess of York who finds Doctor Lionel Logue. Lionel is a bit unorthodox in his techniques such as having his patients sing, listen to loud music through headphones while reading aloud, and encouraging them to curse while speaking. Bertie becomes frustrated when he thinks nothing is working and gives up on his first day with Lionel. It is not until he listens to the recording of himself speaking perfectly that he realizes Lionel can help him. With the help of Lionel’s unorthodox therapy Bertie becomes able to speak to his county in their time of need and gains a lifelong friend.
In the movie, Bertie’s mother had an uninvolved parenting style because she did not seem to care; she would just go along with the fathers rules. His father, King George V had a very autho...

... middle of paper ... Bertie to his mother she would pinch him knowing it would make him cry. She also knew the mother would not want to deal with the crying child and hand him back. The nanny would often refuse to feed him to punishment him for crying, resulting in stomach issues. Bertie explains to Lionel how the child abuse went on for about three years before his parents realized what was going on. This is an example of neglectful parenting because they were unaware of what is happening in their child’s life (Berger, 2011, p.274).
Parenting styles can affect the way a child see themselves, in this case strict parenting caused Bertie to feel unhappy and internalize his problems. It also leads to him not being taught how to correctly handle his emotions. Lastly is also showed that because his parents were not aware of what was happening in his life that he was more prone to abuse.

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