Major Depressive Disorder Case Study

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For this assignment we are asked to research the chosen diagnosis that was selected back in Module 1 for this course. For the paper the chosen diagnosis was Major Depressive Disorder. By utilizing a minimum of five sources we are asked to answer the following questions. We are asked to describe the selected disorder, we also need to identify the DSM-IV-TR diagnostic category and as well as distinguish diagnostic and commonly used terminology. We then are asked to give the causative factors, the diagnosis, and the treatment of the disorder. Last we are asked to provide a survey of current research on this chosen disorder. (Argosy University, Module 3, 2014) Depression brings people down to a joyless state in which they do not see the positive side of any concept. However, with proper medications and treatments, they can be brought back to normal emotion levels. Lets begin by giving the description given in the DSM-IV-TR on Major Depressive Disorder. The DSM states “five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of the symptoms is either (1) depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure.” (APA, 2000) The American Psychiatric Association also states that the symptoms do not include those symptoms, which are due to a general medical condition or hallucinations or mood-incongruent delusions. The symptoms that the DSM discusses are the following: 1. The client is in a depressed mood or is irritable most of the day, or nearly every day as indicated by the client personally or as observed by others. An example of this would be is the client states he/she is sad or feels empty or if the client appears tearful to someone else. Keep... ... middle of paper ... with was the statement made by Dr. Aradhana Bela Sood, medical director of Virginia Treatment Center for Children, “As you counsel families, you can say there’s a 50 percent chance that this is going to recur.” (Belluck, Pam 2010) In conclusion this student hopes that you the reader have a better understanding of the Major Depressive Disorder Diagnosis that was presented in this paper. This student also hopes that the description, the causing factors, the diagnosing, the treatment was all clear and concise. Although the current research presented stated that a client may indeed fall into another major depression, this student doesn’t lose hope that those clients will soon find a treatment that will eliminate that illness. We have many caring doctors and a great treatment programs the client is able to receive that will assist in the clients successful recovery.

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