Major Depression Research Paper

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The distinction is clear between features of major depression and the features of bipolar 1 disorder. As we explore the distinction between both, we will also take into perspective the effect of each disorder as it relates to gender difference. And lastly, what makes them so different? Major depression or clinical depression is mood disorder that is characterized by the persistent feeling of sadness or the loss of interest in daily activity, which causes significant impairment in the individual’s life. Some of the major features that are widely common in individuals with major depression include; difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions,difficulty sleeping, early-morning awakening, or oversleeping, persistently sad, anxious, …show more content…

Typically, studies report that women have a prevalence rate for depression up to twice that of men. Studies have also revealed that boys before puberty exhibit a higher rate of major depressive disorder compared to girls (Nolen-Hoeksema & Hilt, 2009. Supp reading, mood disorder.) The difference in gender also reflects how the disorder is expressed. In men, depression manifested in forms consistent with hegemonic masculinity such as aggressiveness, risk-taking, and alcohol and drug abuse, while female exhibit isolation and crying. The difference in expressing major depressive disorder is heavily influenced by cultural beliefs --men are portrayed to be tough and independent in not showing any weakness in crying or seeking help. Women, on the other hand, are encouraged to be emotional and to seek help when …show more content…

Individuals may also experience mood episodes with "mixed features," in which manic and depressive symptoms occur simultaneously, or may alternate from one pole to the other within the same day (APA, 2013. Supp reading Bipolar and Related Disorders.). The mania aspect of bipolar 1 is a can be considered as a severe state that disrupts the individual’s well being, as it can cause the dividual to become disconnected with reality, causing the individual to express behavior that is unnatural to themselves. Two major distinguishing features of bipolar 1 are mania and depression. In the state of mania the individuals might experience three of the followings; the Diminished need for sleep, excessive talking or pressured speech, racing thoughts or flight of ideas, clear evidence of distractibility, Increased level of goal-focused activity at home, at work, or sexually, excessive pleasurable activities, often with painful consequences. On the other hand, depressive episodes in bipolar disorder are similar to clinical depression. There is no variation in symptoms, for instance, an individual who has been diagnosed with major depression and an individual who is experiencing depressive episodes in bipolar disorder can both experience symptoms like; significant loss or increase in appetite,

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