Main Cause Of Cancer Research Paper

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Main Causes of Cancer Cancer is a disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Cancer is very deadly and is the second leading cause of death in the U.S. There are more than one hundred types of cancer, and this year about 564,800 Americans are expected to die of cancer. Even though, so many people die from Cancer, there are many survivors. About 4 in 10 people survive cancer (40%) (“Cancer Facts”) . Most of these people could have prevented Cancer by knowing the main causes. Diet, physical activity, tobacco/smoking, alcohol, chemicals/radiation, and genetics are the main causes of cancer. The World Cancer fund states that about 20% of all cancers in the U.S. are related to body fat, …show more content…

Exposure can weaken the immune system, so the body has a harder time fighting off infections (“What Causes Cancer”). Getting a painful sunburn just once every two years, can triple your risk of melanoma skin cancer. If you get too much UV radiation from the sun or sunbeds it can damage the material in your skin cells. UV rays can also come from artificial sources like sunbeds. Sunbeds give out harmful rays that damage your skin and make it look wrinkled, old, or leathery (“Causes of Cancer and Reducing Your Risk”). Many other forms of radiation can also damage your …show more content…

They can cause increased risks in Leukemia, myeloma, thyroid, bladder, breast, lung, ovarian, colon, esophageal, stomach, liver, lymphoma, and skin cancer (except for melanoma) (“What Causes Cancer?”). One form of radiation is IR, it is released from diagnostic equipment such as X-Ray machines. IR affects any part of the body but mostly bone marrow and the thyroid gland. A fom of IR is radon, which can increase risk for lung cancers in smokers (“Environmental Factors and Cancer Development”). Radon is a colorless, odorless, radioactive gas that is very harmful . Another type of radiation is Benzene. Benzene is a colorless, flammable liquid with a sweet odor. It evaporates quickly when exposed to air. It is formed from natural processes, but most exposure results from human activities. When people are exposed to Benzene they have an increased risk of Leukemia (“What Causes Cancer?”). Exposure to certain chemicals like pesticides and metals can increase your risk for cancer also. Examples are nickel, cadmium, vinyl, chloride, and benzene (“Environmental Factors and Cancer Development”). Not all causes of cancer are from outside forces, some cancers are just passed down by generation or

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