Magnificent Themes

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Human behaviour, both good and bad is shown through the characters in Maleficent. Stefan shows ambition and kindness, through the plot, setting and the theme power. Maleficent shows kindness, courage and envy, through the theme jealously, the setting and the plot. Aurora shows kindness and naivety, through the theme of innocence, as well as the setting and plot. Stefan shows both good and bad aspects of human nature, this is shown through themes, setting and plot. As a child, he shows happiness; through his relationship with Maleficent and ambition; as he wants to achieve something great in life. “Someday I’ll live there, in the castle” this also shows that Stefan has goals, this is good, as he wants to achieve something great in his life but …show more content…

Maleficent is shown to have courage at an early age, as she has taken to protecting the Moors, this shows how Maleficent cares for her home and those in it. She is also a very happy as a child, especially when she meets Stefan, who makes her feel normal. At this point in the film the setting is colourful and visually stunning. Although later when Stefan hurts Maleficent, she grows angry and bitter as does the setting of the Moors. “True love doesn’t exist” this shows that Maleficent’s has become cynical, and changed greatly since she was a child. The theme shown here is jealousy as she is envious of Stefan’s life. Later as Maleficent gets to know Aurora, she starts to feel regret. This shows that actions do have consequences; these actions are bad behaviour and are done when Maleficent is at a low point in her life. However, as Maleficent gets to know Aurora, and Diaval, she grows to be happy again and content with her life, this impacts the plot. This character was also never truly evil, this is demonstrated as she still protected Aurora, she still cared for the Moors and she was a fair queen to the Moors. In this film Maleficent’s character undergoes many different developments to her character, and this demonstrates us how people can change throughout their lives, and what human behaviour is

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