Maestro Enrico Mantoli Death Essay

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Maestro Enrico Mantoli was found dead in Wells, Carolina on August 5, 1956. With Mantoli gone, the dream of putting the city of Wells on the map is dead! Chief of Wells’ Police Department Bill Gillespie is leading the investigation to bring justice for the local celebrity.
The body was found by officer Sam Woods in the corner of Piney and the highway during his patrol duty. Sam Woods states, “I saw something lying in the road. When I got closer I saw a man sprawled on the pavement. I never saw this man before, but from the long hair and silver cane, I had a hunch at who it was.” With a first-class murder in Wells, Gillespie advises the residents to take precaution, for the killer is still undetermined.
During the early stages of the investigation,

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