Machu Picchu Research Paper

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In the depths of Peru on a great mountain top, lies a piece of inca history,Machu Picchu.
Home to over 200 structures,temples and beautiful terraces,Machu PIcchu purposes are unknown,but some theories believe it to be the last inca city, a royal retreat, a place to worship the inca sun god or a meeting place for war troops.

Located in peru, next to the city of cusco with a latitude of 13.1631° S and a longitude of 72.5450° W. Machu Picchu was built in the 15 century and faces the issues of pollution and tourism Eg: buses that carry the passengers to machu picchu are diesel fuelled and pollute the air,sewerage pumped directly into the Urubamba river polluting the waterways,the Inca trail is eroded from tourist, tea bags and plastic water bottles left by tourists litter the inca trail, garbage piled along the banks of the Urubamba river from near by hotels and restaurants. Helicopters fly in tourists and conduct tours, potentially damaging the ruins,. Timber cut for cooking use have started Forest fires in the area that have threatened Machu Picchu on several occasions. …show more content…

Structures were built with a technique called “ashlar.” Stones are cut to fit together without mortar.
Machu Picchu is historically and archaeologically important because:
It is over 500 years old.
It is the only site built by the incan people that is still intact.
The rocks that were used to build the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu, were About 250 million years old
Had no tools and didn’t have the wheel
They were master engineers and builders,there terraces,canals and stone cities rivaled those of ancient rome.
It took 50 years to build
It only ruled for100

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