Machiavelli The Prince Research Paper

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Niccolo Machiavelli, an Italian Renaissance political philosopher, was born on May 3rd, 1469 and died at the young age of 58. Niccolo had always been a writer of poems and analyses of political meetings, but his most famous work was The Prince because it showed his true personality. The Prince was written in 1513, at the beginning stages of the Renaissance period, but wasn’t published until years after Machiavelli’s death when the Medici Pope Clement VII gave permission. Medici were high status Italian families, usually bankers and merchants, during the 15th century, or Renaissance time. Machiavelli had very strong political opinions and was not afraid to voice them. Machiavelli’s theory of being a successful prince, is to be a ruthless prince. Machiavelli’s focus is principalities, territories that are either inherited or new. The prince traditionally rules hereditary principalities, unless he acts in a way that causes him to be hated and overruled. He believes that ruling a principality is simple if you are qualified and likable. In the occurrence of new principalities, the people think they will benefit from a new ruler, but things will get worse and then enemies must be faced. The fact that Machiavelli thinks the prince should be the sole ruler, who is easily distinguished by his strict rule, relates to individualism during …show more content…

By the prince living in the state, it shows that he cares for his people, causes the people to behave for fear they will be caught by the prince if doing otherwise, and makes it harder for foreign powers to attack. Since the prince is living in the territory he can deal with problems on the spot, before things spiral out of control. But this is not for the benefit of the people, rather the success of the prince having his territory in peace in the palms of his

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