Macbeth's Downfall Analysis

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Although a combination of external forces and Macbeth’s own vaulting ambition doom the tragic hero (Macbeth) and result in his downfall, he is also doomed because of his own actions. This is because the tragic hero chooses to commit certain actions of his own free will which create a trail of destruction which leads to his eventual downfall. This may be seen in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth where the protagonist, a well-respected nobleman allows his ambition to cloud his better judgement. This causes him to listen to misleading advice which eventually causes him to commit many crimes which plunge his kingdom into chaos leading to his eventual demise.
Firstly, the witches’ prophecy ignited Macbeth 's desire to be king. The temptation that follows Macbeth’s knowledge of the prophecy is a major factor which leads Macbeth to succumb to the evil that leads to his downfall. The witches represent darkness, chaos and conflict, allowing Macbeth to acknowledge his personal dilemma; his hunger for power. Macbeth also admits to himself that he is driven by temptation, "This supernatural soliciting cannot be ill cannot be good." Macbeth tries to justify his bad idea, and goes along with Shakespeare’s technique of using contradictory statements or contrasting to show the unnatural or supernatural beings in the play. As he battles his thoughts with rhetorical questions, "Why hath it given me earnest of success, commencing in a truth?" unsure about the nature of the words of the witches, and questions why this …show more content…

Both these forces were main reasons behind Macbeth’s demise, but his own vaulting ambition was brought upon his downfall. Through a series of techniques such as foreshadowing, metaphors and contrasting, Shakespeare conveys to the audience how a tragic hero can be brought down by his own

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