Macbeth Unequal Yet Happy

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Have you ever looked for happiness? Or do you know anyone who is searching for happiness? In the story “Macbeth”, Macbeth was able to become a king for his own happiness with greed but he never became happy. In the article “Unequal, Yet Happy”, the article explains that wealthier countries are not happier than poorer countries. So wealth does not necessarily bring happiness. In the video “Chris of Apricot Lane Farms”, Chris explains that although he was born without arms and legs, he was full of happiness because he accepts himself the way he is. So people can get happiness by accepting themselves the way they are.

In the story “Macbeth”, Macbeth wanted to become a king for his own happiness. He killed Duncan to take his position as a king and killed Banquo to cover up what he did. He was greedy because he did not care how others felt for his own actions. Greed is when …show more content…

In the same article, Thorstein Veblen quotes, “proposed that jewels and mansions were little more than the human equivalent of the peacock’s tail and their main purpose was simply to outdo other peacock’s tail.” The quote means that expensive things are just for people’s status in society. In modern day, the article “In Pursuit of Unhappiness” describes that people are still searching for happiness. But if we have more things today for people’s status, then why are people still searching for happiness? In the article “In Pursuit of Unhappiness”, John Stuart Mill said, “Those only are happy, who have their minds fixed on some object other than their own happiness; on the happiness of others, on the improvement of mankind, even on some art or pursuit, followed not as a means, but as itself an ideal end. Aiming thus at something else, they will find happiness by the way.” The quote basically means that objects will not bring people happiness. Then what will bring people

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