Macbeth Transformation Essay

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The play Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare is about a brave, and noble Scottish general named Macbeth. He received prophecies from three witches that one day he will become king of Scotland. But the very Impatient Macbeth, with pressure on his back from his wife Lady Macbeth, she drives him to murder King duncan, and capture the throne for himself. Throughout the play Macbeth has changed from a brave and noble warrior hero, to a cheating, and lying king. The way Macbeth behaves throughout the play really changes the story, and mood of the play.
In play’s the way characters act right from the beginning all the way to the end really shape the way, readers, and also how other characters view them. At the beginning of the play Macbeth portrays a very brave and noble attitude to many of the characters in the play. During the start of the play the battle is going on, but has ended by now. The captain is describing the battle to Duncan, and his son’s. The captain talks very fondly about Macbeth and says that Macdonald had a lot of protection around him. For example in this section of...

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