Macbeth Quotes

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As a continuation, vaulting ambition from the supernatural prophecies lead Macbeth to do terrible things in a way where he would forsake friendships and any possible threats for power. This provides proof of where the motivation and action of the supernatural situates.
The third great crime shows just how evil and brutal the supernatural was. Macbeth even went to the extent of murdering Macduff's innocent family. This quote shows how Macbeth is declining and is no longer rational in his judgments. "Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword His wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls”(iv.i, 158-159). Macbeth had brutally murdered king Duncan's guards when they did nothing wrong. This solidifies that Macbeth continues to show his reckless …show more content…

We can see who motivates the action of the plot while under the influence of the supernatural. The supernatural also augments the impact of many key scenes while we have a sense of character traits. With supernatural in many key scenes, characters will often get a better visual sense of what's next. Lady Macbeth shows that she doesn’t care about anything other than power. She shows how heartless she is by influencing Macbeth to kill all his loyal friends. This quote states precisely this, "It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way: thou wouldst be great”(i.v, 16-17). As depicted, Lady Macbeth is a malicious and manipulative mastermind. She conceives the entire plan and hashes out details before Macbeth decides whether to go forward with the plan. In contrast Banquo had shown clear interest in the prophecies. However, he still believed friendship was more important. Banquo is shown as a sympathetic figure, as he knew of what the audience knows concerning the murder of the king and his own depending fate. He expects Macbeth to reward him in return. Finally it's important to understand Macbeth's character traits. He is the main character who created every action of the plot. Macbeth is introduced in the play as a warrior hero, whose fame on the battlefield wins him great honor. However, by act two, we can see his mind is unclear and easily persuaded to do evil …show more content…

Knowing the character's mental traits, helps lay out the foundation of what the reader can predict in a key scene revolving the supernatural. For example, Macbeth already has a huge worry of what will happen next after killing Banquo. The witches show Macduff having Macbeth's head. This supernatural experience enhances the role of supernatural, as we got a visual sense of the mood of the scene. This will cause interest in a reader. There is a correlation between Macbeth's character traits and his representation of supernatural in scenes. Lady Macbeth was first portrayed as the one in charge, however by act five, scene one, she is riddled with guilt to the point that she cannot be in the dark. The following quote states this, "What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account? Yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him"(v.i, 33-36). She sleepwalks and chatters about the crimes she has done. This supernatural phenomenon enhances the understanding and continues the theme between light and dark. Finally in the third apparition, Macbeth learns about a kid who has a crown on his head. This represents Malcom. This key scene is crucial for a supernatural element to happen, as Macbeth must see the future of the plot himself in order to influence his decisions that will ultimately get him killed. This quote shows how Macbeth gains an understanding that

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