Macbeth Killing Duncan Analysis

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Alongside his companion Banquo, Macbeth is not able to believe what appeared before him. Three tall and slender figures with ghastly faces came across their path with a prophecy that would change everything. “All hail Macbeth, that shall be king hereafter!” (1.3.51). No words were able to come out of Macbeth’s mouth; From that moment, the thought of replacing King Duncan on the throne began to overpower his thoughts. At home, Lady Macbeth reads the letter from Macbeth, and even she herself begins to fantasize what it would be like for her to be in power. Before heading to the castle to celebrate Macbeth’s heroism, she devises a plan to help Macbeth earn the title of king by talking Macbeth into killing him. Lady Macbeth successfully gets the …show more content…

All of the honor and recognition he was given made him second guess the plan he and his wife went through previously. Although he has thought of killing Duncan, he decided to reconsider the action. He shows deliberation unlike his partner who continues to talk him into the murder with these words that will ultimately successfully convince him. “What cannot you and I perform / The unguarded Duncan? What not put upon / His spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt / Of our great quell” (1.7.69-72). Thinking that Lady Macbeth has a great cover up for the crime, he decides to carry out the deed. “When we have marked with blood those sleepy two / Of his own chamber and used their very daggers, / That they have done it?” (1.7.75-77). Later Macbeth chimes in confirming that he has done the deed while carrying the blood stained daggers, He is obviously distraught by what he has done. At this point Lady Macbeth takes over and it is clear who the mastermind behind all of this actually is. “Give me the daggers / If he do bleed, I’ll gild the faces of the grooms withal / For it must seem their guilt” (2.2.55-57). She is very aware of the trouble they could get into because of Macbeth. so she takes the daggers and plants the evidence on the servants as she said she was going

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