Macbeth Is To Blame For O. J. Simpson's Murder

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Just as O. J. Simpson was found innocent even though everything seemed to say other wise, Macbeth is innocent as well. In Shakespeare's tragedy, Macbeth, the common person would turn to Macbeth as some one to blame for the tragic outcome of the story. This is not the case however, if one observes the story with a careful eye they will see that Macbeth one of the few that is innocent throughout the ordeal. It was all of the people surrounding Macbeth that compelled him to commit such heinous acts and through no fault of his own, Macbeth was held responsible for numerous murders and other treacherous deeds. To a first time reader of Macbeth it would seem as though Macbeth is at fault for the outcome, which is understandable seeing as he was the one who committed the acts, but …show more content…

This women held the power to stop this madness from ever happening but instead she acted upon her own selfish interests and pushed Macbeth to commit these crimes. Not only did she push Macbeth but it was her guile plan that was used in the murder of King Duncan. Macbeth himself was having second thoughts before he killed Duncan, in Act one, Macbeth had a beautiful soliloquy in which he stated “... The king trusts me in two ways. First of all, I am his kinsman and his subject, so I should always try to protect him. Second, I am his host, so I should be closing the door in his murderer’s face, not trying to murder him myself...” (Act 1, Scene 7). All the points that are brought up are valid but in the end, however, it was not up to Macbeth to make the decision for it was Lady Macbeth who was truly in charge. When Macbeth sought the comfort of his loving wife in his time of need, all he got was a shrewd woman who emasculated him and manipulated him into killing Duncan just so she could have a taste of power. In the text Lady Macbeth's exact words were “Coward!... Only children are afraid of scary

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